Vantage Cyber has extensive practical experience in the fields of cyber-security, cutting edge AI integration, IT forensics, data protection and software development. We leverage our team's experience in cyber security challenges, obtained from both offensive and defensive engagement. 

Our cyber security practice leverages Vantage Intelligence's rich investigative experience to deliver innovative and comprehensive Cyber Incident Response and Forensics services as well as offers deep insights into issues of data protection in the context of litigious adversaries and state actors.

Areas of expertise

IT Security / Data Management & Governance
Personnel Security (Vetting and Training)
Security Assessments (Penetration Testing)
Incident Response
Investigations and Forensic Services
Technical Due Diligence

Case Studies

Defending against a sophisticated phishing attack

Vantage Cyber was hired by a wealth management firm following a sophisticated phishing attack. The attackers nearly succeeded in persuading a senior PA into authorising a multi-million-pound transaction. Our team's rapid intervention was crucial in averting a significant financial loss and assessing the security breach.

Upon arrival, our team conducted an urgent evaluation of the client's systems to identify and seal any security loopholes. We rigorously examined data logs and communication records to confirm no additional data compromise beyond the phishing incident. Utilising advanced cyber forensics, we deconstructed the phishing email to understand its source and strategy, gaining insights into the attackers' possible identities.

We implemented advanced email filtering systems to thwart future phishing attempts, initiated comprehensive staff training focused on cybersecurity awareness and threat identification, established robust verification protocols for financial transactions, incorporating multi-factor authentication. Finally, Vantage implemented security audits to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities.

Vantage Cyber's prompt and decisive actions not only resolved the immediate threat but also fortified the client's cybersecurity infrastructure, demonstrating our expertise in handling high-stakes cyber threats with efficiency and precision

Confidential data leak on the dark web

Vantage Cyber was retained when a family office discovered their confidential data on the dark web. We conducted a thorough investigation to determine the extent of the breach, meticulously comparing the exposed data with the client’s internal records. Our analysis included a deep dive into potential internal leaks, scrutinising staff access and activities, a critical aspect given the possibility of an inside source for the breach.

Our team developed a comprehensive response strategy. We recommended advanced cybersecurity measures including enhanced encryption and robust firewall systems, alongside regular system audits. Recognising the potential internal threat, we emphasised the importance of intensive staff training in secure data handling and implemented strict protocols for data access and management.

To complement our cybersecurity efforts and address the internal threat dimension, we proposed robust physical security measures. This included restricted access to sensitive data storage areas and advanced surveillance systems. These strategies aimed to not only rectify the current breach but also to bolster defenses against future threats, both digital and physical, affirming Vantage Cyber’s commitment to providing holistic security solutions.

Internal theft of intellectual property at a biotech firm

Vantage Cyber was retained for a challenging task involving a senior manager at a biotech company suspected of stealing intellectual property. This complex case required a detailed and prolonged investigation, primarily focused on forensic data and communications analysis.

Our team of experts embarked on an exhaustive examination of digital footprints left on the company's servers and the suspected individual's electronic devices. This involved creating forensic images of the manager's laptop and mobile phone, a crucial step that allowed us to meticulously analyse all data, including deleted or hidden files. This deep dive into digital communications and file transfers was pivotal in uncovering the methods used for IP theft.

The forensic analysis provided us with a comprehensive view of the manager's activities. We tracked email exchanges, message histories, and file movements, piecing together a timeline of the IP theft. This extensive digital trail was key in establishing the extent of the data theft and understanding how the manager had managed to bypass existing security measures.

Our findings were critical in providing the biotech company with the necessary evidence to take appropriate legal and security actions. This case not only highlighted the sophistication of insider threats but also demonstrated Vantage Cyber’s capability in handling intricate cyber investigations, reinforcing the importance of robust digital forensics in protecting corporate assets.

Cyberattack response

Vantage Cyber was retained by an UHNW family in order investigate a hacking incident, the principal result of which was deletion of emails that were due to be submitted as evidence in forthcoming litigation.

The emails were deleted from several personal accounts which were hosted by major international providers. The investigation found that the attackers breached a WiFi network at one of the family homes and used Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) techniques to obtain credentials to the accounts.

Vantage secured client infrastructure and assisted in liaising with the service providers in order to recover the deleted data.